Axel Pavillet
Axel Pavillet is a graduate of Ecole Polytechnique in Paris and has a M. Eng in industrial engineering from Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Techniques Avancées. He spent most of his career as a professional engineer and a high level executive for the French
Government. He worked in France, the United States, Argentina, Canada and Singapore. In 2000, he went back to academia to earn a M.Sc. in Computer Science and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Université du Québec à Montréal in 2001 and 2004,
respectively. Since then, he dedicates his time to teaching and research. He is a licensed P. Eng. registered with the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta.
published numerous articles in the scientific and technological fields.
He is knight of the National Order of Merit from France and was awarded
the Meritorious Service Medal from the United States.
email: |
Mathematical Publications
Coaxal pencil of circles and spheres in
the Pavillet tetrahedron (2016)
17th International
on Geometry and Graphics - ICGG 2016
The incircle hyperboloid and ellipsoid
of the
conjugate Pavillet tetrahedra (2014)
16th International
on Geometry and Graphics - ICGG 2014
proof of Pavillet tetrahedron properties (with Vladimir V.
Shelomovskii - 2012),
The Electronic
Journal of
Mathematics and Technology
(October 2012 - on line version)
Journal of Mathematics & Technology
(December 2012 - paper version)
The Orthocentric Tetrahedron of a Triangle (2012), accepted Forum Geometricorum
Orthocentric Tetrahedron of a Triangle -
Properties and Inverse
Problem (2012),
abstract) -
International Conference on
Geometry and Graphics - ICGG
A family of circular sweep algorithms to compute Voronoï diagrams for weighted points or circles (2004), Ph.D. Dissertation - UQAM
Replacing De(ad)scriptive Geometry (2004), The Inaugural CDEN Design Conference
Voronoï diagrams in projective geometry and sweep circle algorithm for constructing circle-based Voronoï diagrams (2001), 13th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry - CCCG'01
Professional Publications
Un diplôme pour la gloire? [A worthless degree?] (2005), La Jaune et la Rouge
Les chances du Network Computer [Opportunities of the NC] (1997), L'Informatique Professionnelle
Des autoroutes à sens unique dans le "global village"? [One-way I-ways in the global village?] (1996), Annales des Mines
La messagerie, un outil pour l'assimilation de la technologie [Email, a tool to assimilate technology] (1996), L'Informatique Professionnelle
Les architectures à base de micro-ordinateurs [The IS architectures based on PCs] (1995), L'Informatique Professionnelle
Outsourcing, a view from the French Ministry of Industry (1993), Proceedings of the XXVIIth ICA Conference
Le logiciel est-il trop cher? [Is software too expensive?] (1992), L'Informatique Professionnelle
Logiciels micro: pirates ou corsaires? [PC software : pirates or corsairs?] (1991), L'Informatique Professionnelle
Logiciel : rien ne vaut la version originale [Software : nothing is better than the original version] (1990), L'Informatique Professionnelle
Les circuits intégrés pour la Défense américaine et la défense des circuits intégrés américains (1987), L'Armement
Published in English: Integrated circuits for US Defense and the defense of US integrated circuits (1988), Military Technology
Published in Italian: Circuiti integrati USA per la difesa e loro protezione (1988), Rivista Italiana Difesa
La politique américaine en matière de transfert de technologie [The US policy in the field of technology transfert] (1987), L'Armement
Technical Reports
Optimisation de la programmation des essais sur un champ de tir [Optimization of testings scheduling on a proving ground - linear programming] (avec VincentThery - 1982), CEDOCAR
Calcul et tracé de projections par ordinateur et machine à tracer [Calculation and drawing of projections by computer and plotter - solid geometry] (1977), CEDOCAR